miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013


The Clapham Sect

Was a group of people who wanted to spread Christianity to India. They weren’t well received and even was the cause of the beginning of a rebellion. The Clapham Sect claimed to have a plan to modernize the world.

David Lingstone:

British missionary and doctor who began exploring the interior of Africa to introduce them to Christianity, as well as to free them from slavery. David wanted to get to the heart of Africa itself. Also Lingstone´s purpose was to civilize Africa. Even though he failed because people´s reaction was not as good he returned to Britain as a Hero.

The differences between the British experiences in Africa and India:

In Africa was much easier the process of Christianization and civilization than in India. They were something really different. In India it was very difficult that they even launched a war to avoid being conquered by the British. Britain realized what they wanted with Africa but for nothing with India.

The Sepoy Mutiny:

Because Indians refused to be Christianize by Great Britain a war was led. They believed that the empire was a struggle between good and evil. Almost every British known for living there was killed. But not just Europeans died, there were lots of Indians dead too. Awful and disgusting ways of being punished were used.

Henry Morton Stanley:

Henry Morton was an ambitious American journalist. Instead of searching for the African soul like David Lingstone did, he just wanted to conquer them but by the same idea of Christianization. The idea of “Christianization, commerce and civilization” had another C added. Which meant conquer. 

martes, 12 de febrero de 2013


o   Laissez-faire Capitalism: is an economic system which allows every person to have their property. “Laissez- faire” literally means in french: to leave alone.
o   Free Market: free market may have control of the government but not necessary. Are exchanges that take place in a society.
o   Law of Supply and Demand: This is not a real law, but it is easy to understand. This “law” makes the proportions between cost and product demand
o   Law of Self-Interest: what we want others to have or achieve, will happen to you too.
o   Law of Competition: normalizes the competition between markets by not accepting just one company to make with the prices whatever they want.
o   The Invisible Hand: “natural force that guides free market capitalism through competition for scarce resources.” Literally words from Adam Smith.
o   Contract: The agreement between two or more parties. Totally involved with the law.
o   Free Trade: Is like a deal between two countries to exchange things without cost.
o   Balance of Trade: the difference of value of import and export in a country.
o   Zero-Sum Game: this is a representation of the gain and the loss. Meaning that the gain should be, obviously bigger than the loss.
o   Protectionism: when the government restricts international trades
o   Embargo: the prohibition of making commerce with a specifically country. 
o   Quota: A proportional part of an amount.
o   Tariff: A duty that the government asks for. The money should be for the need of the country.
o   Comparative Advantage: the ability of someone to service at a lower cost ver another.
o   Trading Partner: socio- commerce.
o   Niche Product: a product marketed in a small and special market.
o   Specialization: Method were a company concentrates in the services of one product
o   Life Expectancy: expected number of years of a person to live.
o   Birth Rate: Total new borns in a certain amount of population.
o   Replacement Rate: % of a worker´s income that is paid  when the retirement comes by a pension program.
o   Carrying Capacity: maximum number of species living in an environment.
o   Utilitarianism: can be caracterized as a quantitative approach to ethics.

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013


1.   What were the two most popular magazines in America 1902?
McClure’s and Munsey’s Magazines

2.   Who was Mark Twain? How did he become involved in Ida Tarbell’s investigation of Standard Oil?
Twain was a very famous writer and an icon, you may know him from his book “ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. He became involved because he was asked to discover what Tarbell was going to write about. He figured out it was about standard oil
       3.   Why did Ida Tarbell pray not to get married?
All she wanted was just freedom. She couldn't bear to live with a man who put limitations on her 
4.   Who were the suffragettes? How did they influence Ida?
An organization of woman who wanted the right of vote. With them she was introduced to a possible new way of seeing woman, the way of equality between man & woman

5.   What was the most important thing in John Rockefeller’s life?
First his family and then the company, he wanted to have everything!

6.   What is a rebate?
What you pay comes back to you, a refund 

7.   How did the railways give preferential treatment to Standard Oil?
       8. What is the difference between crude and refined oil?
        Crude oil is a mixture of natural products, it also has a lower price, while refined oil is way more processed and has very useful derivations. 
                      9.  Did standard Oil practice horizontal integration, vertical integration, or both?
        In my opinion Standard oil practiced both. Vertical because he didn’t just had as his  
        property the refinery, but had many others and Horizontal simply because he did what he said about buying ALL refineries
10. Ida Tarbell summarized Rockefeller’s goal: “Controlling all refineries, I shall be the only shipper of oil. Being the only shipper, I can obtain special rates of transportation which will drive out and keep out competitors; controlling all refineries, I shall be the only buyer, and can regulate the price of crude [oil] as I can the price of refined.” If Rockefeller controlled the entire market for oil, what would he have?
Obviously, a complete monopoly!!
11. What did Ida Tarbell have to say about “The Legitimate Greatness of Standard Oil”
Ida approved it and recognized it 

12. What percentages of the nation’s oil business did Rockefeller control by 1879?

13. What are muckrakers?
Were American journalists who often investigate and wrote about social issues. They 

were also often accused of communism

14. What law did the U.S. Government use to sue Standard Oil?
Sherman Antitrust Act

15. What did the U.S. Supreme Court eventually decide in that lawsuit?
They decided to force the company to break up

16. What did Rockefeller’s son John Rockefeller, Jr. do with his money?
He gave to charity all the money his father had

17.    What happened when John Rockefeller, Jr. and Ida Tarbell met at the conference?
 Both acted casually and naturally, like if nothing happened

"Imagination is the only key to the future. Without it none exists, with it all things are." - Ida Tarbell

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013


I read this poem called “A description of the morning” by Jonathan Swift and It fitted perfectly with the topic. I was stunned because it LITERALLY is just a description. There is no metaphors and that suff. It is like if I tell you what I did today´s morning. Really, more realistic couldn’t be.

Be amazed by yourself and read it here!

Now hardly here and there a hackney-coach
Appearing, showed the ruddy morn's approach.
Now Betty from her master's bed had flown,
And softly stole to discompose her own;
The slip-shod 'prentice from his master's door
Had pared the dirt and sprinkled round the floor.
Now Moll had whirled her mop with dext'rous airs,
Prepared to scrub the entry and the stairs.